All assisted vessels and persons on board were returned safely to port.
02 March Yacht. 9.2m. 2 POB. Near Slipper Island. The yachts skipper reported that a crew member being struck by the yachts boom was in ill-health and requested assistance to uplift the crew member and to be taken to shore for medical assessment. CRV GJ Gardner rescue was tasked to South Bay – Slipper Island where the crew member was transferred and then returned to Whangamata. The patient was met at the Boat ramp by St John staff, assessed and found to have no serious medical result of the incident with the boom.
Total Whangamata Coastguard involvement 17 hrs.
12 March Launch. 15m. 2 POB. Fuel problem. Near Slipper Island.
CRV GJ Gardner Rescue responded and tow assisted the vessel to the Whangamata wharf.
Total Whangamata Coastguard involvement 24 hrs.
15 March Yacht 9.5m. 1 POB. Engine problem. Near Onemana.
CRV GJ Gardner Rescue responded and tow assisted the vessel to the Whangamata wharf.
Total Whangamata Coastguard involvement 13 hrs.
16 March Yacht 9.5m. 1 POB. Engine problem. Near Whangamata entrance.
CRV GJ Gardner Rescue responded and tow assisted the vessel to the Whangamata Marina.
Total Whangamata Coastguard involvement 11 hrs.
19 March Launch 9.6m. 1 POB. Engine problem. 2nm NE of Clark Island.
CRV GJ Gardner Rescue responded and tow assisted the vessel to a Whangamata mooring.
Total Whangamata Coastguard involvement 12 hrs.
24 March Yacht 8.5m. 1 POB. Engine problem. South Bay – Slipper island.
CRV GJ Gardner Rescue responded and tow assisted the vessel to a Whangamata mooring.
Total Whangamata Coastguard involvement 18 hrs.